Blog – Wallace’s Words of Wisdom
Where business and sales leaders find tips for improving your results.
Trust and Respect
In her 2015 bestseller "Presence", Harvard Psychologies Amy Cuddy shares that when you're meeting someone for the first time, they have two questions: Can I trust this person? Can I respect this person? This flies in the face of what most salespeople think they need...
Customer Stories
If you're in sales you know how important customer stories are in providing proof of the value you claim your product or solution will deliver. It's not enough to tell your story, you need attestation. Customer stories provide that. But, what makes a good, or great,...
It’s Not Your Story
It's not your story. What does that mean? It means when you're talking to a prospect, or even a customer, the story you tell should not be all about you, your product or solution The story needs to be your prospect's story. It's about what they can do different, or...
The Elevator Pitch
The Elevator pitch is something that is debated and discussed. What makes a good elevator pitch? Do you even need one? How long should it be? In the video below you'll hear some advice from an online source about the elements of a great elevator pitch. See if you...
Spike Your Prospects Attention – part 3
You've already learned five ways to spike your prospects attention. If you want to review those videos, you find them here: First Three Grabbers Two More Grabbe In the video below are the final two grabbers that science tells us are very effective in grabbing and...
Spike Your Prospects Attention – Part 2
Last week you learned three grabbers to spike your prospect's attention. Here are two more. Like the others, science tells us these grabbers are very effective in grabbing and holding your prospect's attention, allowing you to deliver your message effectively and...
Spike Your Prospect’s Attention
With only a few minutes to spike your prospect's attention, you need to have tools at your disposal to capture and keep their attention. Science tells us that you must capture your prospect's attention at the beginning of a presentation with something the delivers...
Words Matter
Words Matter. Whether in talking to your friends, kids, spouse, or business colleagues. Words matter when ordering an ice cream cone. And words really matter in your sales conversations. Check out this video for more information. Click here to contact us, or call...
Differentiate your Message with Insight
Yesterday you read about making sure your message isn’t based on discovery questions alone. How, then, do you deliver a message that differentiates you from your competition? It’s true you need to gather basic information about your prospect and make sure your message...
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