Blog – Wallace’s Words of Wisdom

Where business and sales leaders find tips for improving your results.

Best Practices aren’t always best!

Best Practices aren’t always best!

 We've all heard about Best Practices. Best Practices are defined as "commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective." But what happens when best practices are no longer "correct" or "most effective?" Then...

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Successful Sales Conversations

Successful Sales Conversations

Successful sales conversations require you to share the capabilities of your product or solution. However, if you just right to what your product is, you miss the opportunity to make your customers the hero. Instead, by leading with a detailed description of your...

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Risk Aversion in Sales – it works

Risk Aversion in Sales – it works

 Sellers are taught to sell the benefits of their product or solution. While is this good advice and must be done, it's only part of the story. Research from Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman on decision-making shows that risk aversion is a more powerful...

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Ideal Customer Focus for Sales Success

Ideal Customer Focus for Sales Success

  Sellers today are faced with many challenges. The competition is tough. Buyers are more difficult to reach, and when you reach them, they are distracted. And Status Quo Bias is real and it's a formidable foe. Research says that 85% of the deals in your pipeline...

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Simply Visuals for a Lasting Presentation

Simply Visuals for a Lasting Presentation

Think all you need for a lasting presentation is some great content? Think again. Check out this video for some startling facts and a way to make your impression last. You can reach Bay Ridge Consulting Group at: (414)...

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Let’s start a dialog on sales

Let’s start a dialog on sales

  Over the next several weeks, I'm going to solicit your input on some sales issues. Please add your comments below. You can reach Bay Ridge Consulting Group at: (414) 375-0253

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The Best Story Wins

The Best Story Wins

  Some ideas on storytelling and its importance in the sales process. You can reach Bay Ridge Consulting Group at: (414) 375-0253

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